Navigation in universities

Modern navigation in educational institutions includes the use of innovative technologies to ensure the convenience and safety of students and staff.

First of all, these are indoor positioning systems that help to find the right audience or office, as well as provide evacuation in case of fire or other threat.

Interactive building or campus maps that allow you to quickly and easily navigate and find the places you need, such as libraries, canteens, gyms, and more.

Educational institutions use systems for tracking the presence of students in the classroom, which are associated with the INP positioning system. This allows you to track attendance and give students feedback on the quality of their studies.

The mobile application allows you to receive information about the assignment, class schedule, and other important events, as well as contact teachers and administration.

The digitalization of educational institutions is the process of introducing modern technologies into the educational process, which includes the use of digital tools and resources, such as electronic textbooks, interactive whiteboards, online courses, and others.

Improving the organization of space within the educational institution due to the positioning system and indoor navigation allows you to determine the location of students and teachers, which helps in creating more efficient schedules, reducing problems with finding classrooms and places to conduct classes.

Digitalization of schools and universities using indoor navigation systems has many benefits and can significantly improve the learning experience and safety on campus.


Institutional Benefits:

  • Managing the flow of visitors. Positioning systems can help determine the location of students and staff within a building, which can be useful for managing the flow of people and improving safety.
  • Safety. In the event of an emergency such as a fire or evacuation, positioning systems can help locate students and staff quickly and efficiently.
  • Navigation and cartography. Indoor navigation systems can be used to create interactive maps of the university building. Using mobile applications and school maps, students can quickly and easily find the right classroom, teacher’s office or library, which saves them time and reduces stress.
  • Parental controls. Positioning systems can be useful for parents who want to track the location of their children on campus. With the help of special applications, parents can receive notifications about the movement of their children within the educational institution and be sure of their safety.
  • Improve the user experience. University indoor positioning systems can help improve the user experience for students and staff, enabling more convenient movement and more efficient use of resources.
  • Property and resource management. Indoor tracking solutions can be used to manage university assets, such as books in a library or equipment in laboratories, to better control their use. Energy consumption monitoring at the university, helps to optimize the cost of electricity and water.
  • A new communication channel with visitors, employees and tenants. Quick information about changes in the territory of the shopping center with reference to geolocation.
  • Useful entertainment servicesbased on augmented reality and AR navigation.
  • Solutions for people with disabilities. Audio guides.

Care for students

Digitalization and the introduction of a positioning system in educational institutions helps to create more comfortable conditions for students. They can easily navigate the space of the university, find the right classrooms and other objects faster, and avoid wasting time searching for the right places.

In addition, digital technologies can improve the quality of education by facilitating the learning process and increasing the efficiency of the educational process.

What a visitor to an educational institution gets:

  • Route optimization: The navigation system will help the visitor to find the right place in the building faster and easier, which will reduce the search time and reduce stress.
  • Convenience: The visitor can easily find the right office, auditorium, library, canteen or other facilities of the educational institution. This will make your visit to the educational institution more comfortable and enjoyable.
  • Saving time: Thanks to the navigation system, the visitor of the educational institution can quickly find the necessary place, which will allow him to better use his time and not be late for classes.
  • Improve security: A navigation system can help a school visitor quickly find an exit in the event of an emergency, which will increase the safety of everyone in the building.
  • Improve service level: Implementing a navigation system in an educational institution can increase the level of service and visitor satisfaction, which can lead to an increase in the reputation of the institution and an increase in the number of students.

Digitalization of educational institutions

The digitalization of educational institutions using navigation systems is a step forward in the field of education. The introduction of modern indoor tracking technologies helps to create comfortable conditions for students and improves the learning process.

What the administration of the educational institution receives:

  • Improved control and management. The navigation system allows the administration of the educational institution to track the movements of students, teachers and other staff in real time. This can help to more effectively control the work of staff and manage processes in an educational institution.
  • Improve safety. A navigation system can help keep students and staff safe, especially in large educational institutions. It can help locate a person in case of an emergency, such as a fire or other security threat, and quickly arrange an evacuation.
  • Improved service for visitors. A navigation system can help visitors to an educational institution more easily navigate its spaces and find the objects they need (classrooms, classrooms, library, canteen, etc.). This can improve the convenience of visiting the educational institution and increase the level of its service.
  • Improved resource management A navigation system can help school administrators optimize the use of their resources such as classrooms, labs, and so on. This can help improve class planning, avoid scheduling overlap, and improve efficiency.
  • Improved interaction with students. A navigation system can help school administrators communicate more effectively with students, for example, by sending messages about upcoming events, schedule changes, and other important events. This can increase the level of student participation in the life of the institution.

Relevance of Indoors Navigation Platform GIS implementation

Indoors Navigation provides new modern services, thanks to which institutes and universities will be able to work most effectively with offline and online audiences among students.

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