Navigation people with disabilities

A comprehensive navigation solution for people with limited mobility, including the visually impaired and blind.

Navigation plays a key role in everyday life. Especially for people with limited mobility, visually impaired and blind people. And our GIS INP can make it easier for them to navigate in space and provide access to the necessary information.

Our platform has a special navigation module that allows you to build special routes without steps, guide you along the route by voice, suggesting distances and places of turns, inform about the surrounding space and nearby objects or obstacles.

Implement INP to create an accessible and comfortable environment in your city or building!
Improving accessibility A barrier-free environment with automatic floor and location detection in the building globally simplifies independent movement in public places for people with disabilities.
Information about the environment to facilitate orientation and seamless navigation. Points of interest, nearby objects and obstacles, hints about distances and turns when guiding along a route.
Smart adaptation of routes to individual needs. Special routes leading without steps through elevators and ramps. Request for assistance with reference to the current position.
Voice assistant Everything in a personal smartphone, eliminating additional costs and assistants. Integration of voice control for even greater convenience.
Why is this necessary for MGN

Navigation for the visually impaired and blind is an extremely important tool for providing them with access to information and orientation in urban spaces and buildings. A modern city is a complex with a huge infrastructure.

It is not easy for any person to navigate in new places and buildings with a large number of rooms, especially if he is there for the first time.

And it is even more difficult for people with limited mobility to navigate and move around, especially for the visually impaired and blind. For example, finding passages without steps in a building, the nearest elevator or lift can become a whole adventure.

In the modern world, people with limited mobility have a number of difficulties with movement:

  • Low independence of movement;
  • Difficulty in orientation in urban space
    and public places;
  • The lack of modern and effective digital solutions
    that help in space.

A social navigator with a convenient mapping service will provide people with limited mobility with the opportunity to conveniently position, search and move along a route to points of interest.

With the development of technology, navigation for the visually impaired and blind has become more accessible. Mobile applications based on INP can allow people to use their smartphones to determine the location and find the desired places in the surrounding space.

Using modern technology and voice control, it is possible to provide information about nearby objects and obstacles along the way.

Навигация маломобильных групп населения

Часто представители маломобильных групп населения испытывают трудности при перемещении не только на улице, но и в зданиях. Особенно это касается людей, не способных передвигаться без инвалидного кресла, слабовидящих и незрячих. Приложение-навигатор, разработанное командой Indoors Navigation, позволяет строить оптимальные маршруты, использовать голосовые подсказки, помогать представителям маломобильных групп населения быстро находить специально…Подробнее…

Convenience for the visually impaired and blind


  • The voice assistant bot «Navi».
    Providing interaction with the application and the map, it allows you to achieve interaction with the screen with almost no clicks.
  • The cartographic bot «Navi».
    Replaces the map interface and warns the user about approaching a dangerous area or obstacle with audio messages in the mobile device or installed acoustic sensors.
  • Special acoustic sensors.
    Specially designed sensors for navigation of people with limited mobility are capable of emitting special sound signals, allowing visually impaired and blind users to understand their location in space, where the object to which they have built a route is located and obstacles along the way.

Successful testing of the Indoors Navigation solution for the visually impaired and blind in the Moscow Metro confirmed its effectiveness and usefulness:

  • 5-6 times faster position determination using the INP application.
  • 2 times faster search for the final route point using the INP application
  • Positive feedback from 90% of test participants.

Unified information environment for building management INP

  • Geoinformation system with a digital twin of the building. Creation of an accurate model of objects for effective navigation and interaction with visitors.
  • Geolocation services indoors and outdoors. Seamless navigation, location determination and special route guidance for people with limited mobility.
  • Voice control and assistant. Simplification of interaction with the GIS system and facilitation of communication with the administration of the facility via a mobile application.
  • Integration with existing systems and applications. Universal access to information and services for the visually impaired and blind, connection to existing information systems.

Navigation for visually impaired and blind people is an important aspect of their daily lives, and our INP solution can help them navigate in space and access information.

INDOORS SDK iOS Navigation services for users with limited mobility can be implemented in your mobile application by implementing INDOORS SDK for iOS and Android devices.
INDOORS SDK Android Integration of the functionality of our geoinformation system is carried out in a few hours thanks to detailed documentation and an open API.

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