Inclusive Navigation

A modern navigation solution for visually impaired and blind users.

INP allows you to develop a barrier-free environment in any objects and premises, automatically determine the floor and location, giving the best route depending on the type of user.

Mobile applications based on INP can allow people with visual impairments to use their smartphones to determine the location and search for the desired places in the surrounding space, using a special interface with voice acting and voice prompts along the route.

Implement INP to simplify the movement of people with visual impairments in your public space.
Voice bot "Navi" Interaction with the map without clicking on the screen, due to speech recognition provides maximum comfort and convenience: voice input of commands, saving time and effort, ease of movement.
Designation of obstacles Assistance in overcoming difficulties on the way and indication of the direction of detour in real time. Dynamic updating of the route, taking into account the user's characteristics, reduces the risk of collisions and saves time.
Audio warnings Timely notification of entering dangerous areas minimizes risks, ensuring safety and confidence for visually impaired users when moving along any route.
Call for help with geolocation Requesting help using a voice command and automatic indication of the exact location provides an additional level of safety and confidence for the blind, improving the user experience.
Why is this necessary for users?

The Indoors Navigation Platform provides visually impaired users with a specialized interface with voice and voice prompts, allowing them to move independently in public spaces.

Inclusive navigation from INP allows visually impaired and blind people to be independent in their daily lives and effectively interact with the surrounding space. We strive to create comfortable conditions for all users, so that everyone can feel confident and safe moving around office and business centers.

The INP geoinformation system covers the basic needs of visually impaired and blind people:

  • Independence. Our system allows users to navigate indoors without assistance, which makes them more independent in everyday tasks.
  • Safety. Clear audio and visual instructions ensure safe movement, preventing the risk of collisions or loss of orientation in complex office or public spaces.
  • Convenience. The INP platform takes into account all key aspects of the needs of visually impaired people, offering convenient and intuitive interfaces for their comfortable use.

Интерактивная навигация в поликлинике Будь Здоров с распознанием лиц.

Регулярно в поликлиниках посетители сталкиваются с определенными сложностями в поиске нужного кабинета или врача, часто обращаются за помощью к персоналу регистратуры или проходящим мимо медицинским работникам. Чтобы автоматизировать обслуживание пациентов, в компании Индорс Навигейшн создали цифровой двойник поликлиники Будь Здоров и установили инфоматы с интерактивными картами, в которые загружены все…Подробнее…

Why our solution is effective

Inclusive Navigation Indoors Navigation is an innovative solution that makes office and business centers accessible to visually impaired and blind people. We strive to provide equal opportunities for all users by implementing modern technologies that help navigate complex spaces without assistance.

INP combines advanced technologies and attention to the specific needs of visually impaired and blind people.


  • Voice guidance. Navigation using real-time audio prompts. Users can receive precise instructions on how to get to the desired location: a meeting room, an elevator, a toilet or an exit. This helps blind people confidently move around large and complex spaces.
  • Contrasting and large fonts. The interfaces of our system are adapted for visually impaired users, thanks to the use of contrasting colors and enlarged fonts, which makes the information easy to read and understand.
  • Tactile landmarks and sound cues. INP offers the integration of tactile elements that can be placed on walls, floors or other surfaces. Sound cues help users navigate physically, providing additional safety.

The solution has been tested in the Moscow Metro and has proven its usefulness for users with visual impairments.

Examples of using inclusive navigation from INP

  • Office and business centers. Helps employees and visitors move safely around the territory, including office floors, conference rooms and meeting rooms. In large office buildings, the system helps to move safely and quickly.

    A visually impaired employee uses audio prompts to find a meeting room or elevator, receiving precise route instructions.

  • Transport hubs. The INP solution can be used at railway stations, airports and bus stations to help passengers move around complex transport hubs.

    At the airport, the inclusive navigation system helps passengers with limited vision find exits, boarding gates or check-in areas, ensuring the comfort and safety of their journey.

  • Shopping centers. The system allows you to navigate large spaces, find stores, exits and elevators.

    A visually impaired visitor uses the INP mobile application to find the desired store. The application provides audio instructions and displays routes in high contrast on the smartphone screen.

  • Public institutions. Museums, exhibition halls, libraries and other facilities can be equipped with our system to provide full access to all visitors.

    By using an interactive audio guide, a blind user can easily navigate the museum exhibits on an equal basis with a regular user.

INP inclusive navigation is a step towards creating a more accessible and safe space for everyone. We offer solutions that help blind and visually impaired people feel confident and independent in any space. The system can be implemented in a variety of places, from offices to transport hubs, ensuring accessibility for all categories of users.

INDOORS SDK iOS Navigation services for users with limited mobility can be implemented in your mobile application by implementing INDOORS SDK for iOS and Android devices.
INDOORS SDK Andriod Integration of our geo-ionization system functionality is completed in a few hours thanks to detailed documentation and open API.

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